A strained gasp escapes my lips, clawing its way through the cracks of my abnormal breaths. My eyelids flutter like moths, shuttering the sight of the ER like a disappearing act on repeat. In a moment of electric stillness, cold steel brushes against my slick button. My thighs instantly move away from each other of their own volition as my clitoris makes full connection with the Kegel, my upper body sinking closer to the soiled floor again.

The mingling of metal and flesh produces more sounds, a crescendo of whimpers wrenched from my throat by an unrelenting buzz. Whimpers that quickly turn loud. I guide the Kegel along my engorged clit, my hips thrusting forward, rolling into it, my fingers growing insistent as a delicious sensation floods my core, radiating outward like tendrils of liquid fire. Air stammers out of me, my voice cracking at the sensation of Frost’s crop against the back of my pussy again.

“Do you want to come?”

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