A few hours later…


I hear banging.

Lots and lots of banging.

Then I hear my doorbell ring quite a few times, and as I slowly come into consciousness, I realize all the ruckus is coming from my door.

Who the hell could possibly be here at this time?

I toss and turn under my covers, willing the knocking to stop and its creator to go away. But unfortunately for me, neither of those things happen. With a sigh, I finally sit up, pushing myself up and propping my sluggish body on my elbows.

My eyes focus on the green digits of my alarm clock. My vision is crappy as always, but even more so when I just wake up like this. I squint my eyes and try to make something of the mesh of blurriness in front of me.

It’s just a few minutes after seven. The sun is up, but barely, and the sky still has hints of orange and purple dispersed in it.

I rub at my eyes, weary from my lack of sleep last night. I really wasn’t able to get much after everything that went down last night. I mean, how could I?

I stayed awake in bed for hours after Dr. Frost dropped me off, trying to figure out how I’m going to move forward with knowing about Gina and her job with the Rainbeau agency and how that knowledge is going to affect my friendship with Bill and Trixie. I can’t pretend that it won’t change our dynamic in some way. And that thought is unsettling.

I switch on my bed lamp, and the light burns my eyes. I groan at the discomforting sensation, grumbling as more knocks and doorbell rings force me to leave the warmth of my bed.

I push aside my covers and my feet swing off my bed on autopilot. My feet slide into my plush house slippers as soon as they hit the floor, and I absently grab my glasses from my night stand and slide them over my nose as a huge yawn rips itself from my mouth.

I walk into the living room in a daze. I ‘m barely paying attention, and I end up tripping over a stray bottle that somehow found its way onto the middle of the corridor.

“Dammit,” I grumble, angrily kicking the bottle to the side.

The stumble shocks my body into full awareness, and I’m more alert now. There’s still more knocking, and it’s really getting to my ears. It’s so damn rowdy and it’s too damn early and I’m not in the mood to be dealing with this on a Sunday.

This is supposed to my day off. It’s the day I can sleep in and the only day I have for some sort of relaxation and whoever is on the other side is violating my personal time. And after last night, I need a hell of a lot more sleep than what I was able to get.

I also kept thinking about Frost; the fact that he knows about me trying to be an escort obviously bothers me, but I’m even more hung up on what he’d said just before he left.

You’ll find out soon enough…

What the hell did he even mean by that?

I swing the door open, putting on the best scowl I can muster so that the annoying perpetrator can know just how pissed off I am at their disturbance.

My scowl, however, doesn’t stay on my face for very long. It quickly transitions into a look of surprise as my lips part and my mouth goes slightly ajar, forming an ‘O’ shape even though nothing comes out of it for several seconds.

When I’m able to find my voice again, I can only manage one word. “M-Mindy?”


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