Yeah. No panties for Ramona. At least not for today, anyway.

Unfortunately for me, my current, super messed up state of mind has been a direct reflection of my life, and that especially includes my domestic life. So that means, aside from a sink full of dirty dishes, a carpet that hasn’t been vacuumed in only God knows how long, and two and a half trash bags of recycling that still haven’t been taken out, I have piles and piles of undone laundry that can’t even fit into my hamper any more. Thus, my current predicament of no clean underwear, and between rushing and running late this morning, I didn’t exactly have much of a choice than going commando. I mean, I’ve gone without panties before, so I didn’t think it was a big deal. Plus, I figured one of the nurses would be doing my vitals and exam so I didn’t think much of it. But then I found out that I was going to be dealing with Frost, and only Frost. And now my lack of underwear is making me feel beyond self-conscious.

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