My hands shake as I grip the headboard, my fingers rattling even when they squeeze so hard that they turn numb. I lean forward almost instinctively, an obvious yet futile attempt to get away from him, even though there’s nowhere I can go, my knees shuffling in place restlessly. I feel his hands on me again; one gripping the indent of my waist roughly as if he’s angry, the startling action making my thighs quake uncontrollably while the other maneuvers the fleshly rod between his, rubbing the spongy head of his cock against the wet, slippery opening of my core.

My own head dips without resistance, my spine going tenser than it ever has. He pushes at my entrance, and my eyes go wide at the sensation of my pussy spreading without my permission. My lips part wide in tandem with my southern pair, my forehead furrowing as his hips grind against my ass, feeling his ample cock slide inside me with more difficulty than either of us probably expected, struggling to push past the initial resistance of my walls.

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