“Hello?!” Mel’s voice blasts through the speaker, making me wince as my eardrum takes a hit. 


I cover my other ear, trying to block out the surrounding noise and chaos.


“M-Mel?” I stutter, my teeth clattering as another gust of icy wind blows over me. “W-where the hell are you guys?”


She pauses for a bit before answering. “I don’t really know,” she says. “Where the hell are you, Peggy? We were all together and next thing I know, you and Dustin are gone!”


“Wait, he’s not with you?” I frown, panic and dread settling into my belly. Dustin’s only a couple of months away from turning eighteen, but he’s still a minor, and this is only his second time in New York City. This place can get pretty crazy, especially on a night as busy and chaotic as New Year’s Eve.

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