Posts in Paranormal

The Blind Date: A Paranormal Romance Short Story

Lila had always been intrigued by the supernatural, but never in a million years imagined she’d find herself on a blind date. With a vampire. Talk about batshit. She had been quite nervous at first, not knowing what to expect, but as soon as she saw him, all her worries melted away…giving ample room for brand new ones to arise. He was tall, built, and handsome with piercing gray eyes that seemed to stare deep into her soul. No exaggeration. Which is precisely what she was afraid of. They met… Read More

21 Questions: Chapter Eighteen

      I register buzzing in the distance, diffused, like it’s blended into the background. I hear it again, more perceptible this time. And again after that, louder still. I rustle in my bed, my face scrunching up at the increasingly audible sequence of vibrations disrupting the silence.   My eyes crack open involuntarily, and a disgruntled groan tumbles out of me when the light singes them. I squint impulsively, shielding my face with one hand as my head whips around, in search of the source of the sound…. Read More

21 Questions: Chapter Eighteen (Role Play Edition)

      You register buzzing in the distance, diffused, like it’s blended into the background. You hear it again, more perceptible this time. And again after that, louder still. You rustle in your bed, your face scrunching up at the increasingly audible sequence of vibrations disrupting the silence.   Your eyes crack open involuntarily, and a disgruntled groan tumbles out of you when the light singes them. You squint impulsively, shielding your face with one hand as your head whips around, in search of the source of the sound…. Read More