“Hand me two dinner plates from the cart,” Frost instructs, his voice a low command in my ear.

I shift to reach the plates, inadvertently grinding against his erection. Every millimeter of contact between our lower bodies that can happen in this position does. The friction of his pants sends sparks of sensation through me that I tell myself I don’t want, but I have to bite my lip to stifle a gasp. I manage to grasp the plates, their cool edges a stark contrast to the heat of my flushed skin.

“Place one in front of us,” he directs, “and the other closer to your chair.”

I do as he says, stretching to put the second plate as close to the ‘Reserved for Sub’ sign as I can from my perch on his lap. The letters loom in front of me despite sitting on the sidelines like a mere observer, a silent sentinel marking my place in this twisted game. A brand searing my role into this moment. As I’m setting the plate down, my ass pushes back into his crotch. It clatters on the table when I feel his hand smooth over my ass possessively. I hate how much I like the feeling, how my body responds to his touch despite my better judgment.

“Now, pour some water from the kettle onto this plate,” he says, indicating the one in front of us. “Stop when I tell you.”

I comply, watching the clear liquid pool on the white porcelain. When he tells me to stop, I set the kettle down, my hands trembling slightly.

“Take the pepper shaker and sprinkle some over the water,” he instructs next.

As I reach for the pepper, I almost knock over the salt shaker. Frost’s large palms circling my hips and thighs are incredibly distracting, making it hard to focus on the task at hand.

I shake the shaker over the plate, the action hiding the unintentional tremble in my hands. The black flakes dance across the water’s surface, creating intricate patterns like a living, breathing artwork. It’s beautiful in its simplicity, and for a moment, I’m lost in gentle movement.

“Dip your finger in it,” he says once I’ve finished sprinkling.

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  1. Avatar Aah September 24, 2024 at 2:22 PM
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