



I keep my eyes on the back of the pharmacist’s head, focusing on his salt-and-pepper hair to avoid looking at his white lab coat as much as possible. I need to do everything I can to keep any and all unpleasant memories at bay while I’m in here.

He disappears into one of the aisles momentarily and I continue to try to stay calm as I look around warily, finding myself surrounded by several shelves of medicine and drugs and all sorts of medical devices, therapeutic gadgets, and herbs.

In the distance, a small TV hangs high on a wall, switched on but with low audio. My eyes instantly go wide at the images on the screen, my lungs stilling inside my chest, and I wish to hell I hadn’t looked up.

Breaking News: The Roadkill Merman.’

My heart literally stops for a small eternity…and then proceeds to thump faster than it ever has.

Oh, God…

The merman.

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