Sweat sits at my temples as I hang in midair, suspended above the ground. Naked. Unsteady.




My brain swivels as I stare ahead. Frost’s eyes squint in concentration as he makes a few adjustments to the interface, ignoring my struggle to take in his latest command.

A new picture appears on the monitor; two identical red dots on either side of a larger blue dot, dashed lines a few inches behind each of them.

At the same time I speculate, Frost says, “The dots depict each Kegel’s motions in real time.”

I see the right red dot jerking toward the blue circle in time with the pendulum while the one on the left remains stationary.

He steps back, raising the pointer between both of us again. I tense up, my eyes darting between him and the device. I stare at it as if it’s a snake, following it warily.

It stops on me, now aimed at my belly. I instantly recall he’d done the same thing to the pendulum. Before I can fully form the thought, intense buzzing between my legs forces a surprised yelp from my lips, like a ladybug preparing to take flight. My hips jump involuntarily, jolting my face forward and then back, my thighs straining within their confines. At the same time, I quickly remember what he’d told me just moments before.

Don’t break your bond.

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