I exhale, biting down on my bottom lip nervously as I grab the first box. I decide to focus on one kit at a time so I don’t feel bombarded, trying to read the additional information on it but am having a hell of a time concentrating on anything other than the fact that I’m stark naked in front of both the most sinfully gorgeous and sadistic man I’ve ever met, fumbling like I’ve lost all traces of coordination in my body…and end up dropping the box in a fit of anxiety.

“Shit,” I mumble, leaning forward to pick it up, silently wishing I could stay in this fetal-like position forever if it meant he couldn’t look at me with those hungry, intent eyes. But he surprises me by reaching for it before I do, placing it firmly in my hand, his fingers touching mine ever so slightly as he does.

“Relax,” he says, his expression still intense, his face just inches away from mine. My heart bungee-jumps into my throat, and I lean away from him like I just got tasered.

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