I stare wide-eyed, feeling a distinct strain in my face as my eyelids stretch to their limit.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t blink.

Holy. Fucking. Hell.

My head buzzes with adrenaline, and my heart does a million sprints as I try and fail to wrap my disintegrating brain around what I’m witnessing.

Good God…

This…this can’t possibly be normal.

The box said these are supposed to be average-sized. Did I read that wrong? Did I make some sort of mistake? Does the actual sizing vary by brand like they do with some jeans? Like, do you go a size up?

I mean…what the fuck am I looking at?

I don’t dare meet his eyes, and a renewed wave of panic hits me at the realization of just how big he is, and more importantly, that the condom won’t fit.

It can’t.

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