Posts in Ongoing

Doctor-Patient Confidentiality: Chapter One Hundred and Eighty-Two

Absolute humiliation washes over me in a hot wave, my skin flashing icy then scalding at the stranger’s presence. I feebly try to hunch in on myself as acute shame continues to spike my blood, to cover my nudity and all evidence of my recent activity from view. But Frost’s iron grip keeps my shoulders squared, my spine straight, forcing me to remain starkly exposed. On sheer display, buck naked wild and unable to hide. The older server doesn’t even glance up from his task, merely continues adjusting the placement… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Prologue

  Entry #27 Whoever said living in California was the dream lied through their fucking teeth. Or told the truth. Cause that’s all it is. A dream. I blame reality TV. Guess it was a good thing the old man banned television when he was alive, after all. I would’ve been even more deluded when I moved up here. Looking back, I’m not even sure why I did; why, of all the places I could’ve chosen to start a new life, I picked a desert. A fucking expensive desert. I… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Interlude

  I can’t move. I can’t speak. And I can barely breathe. My chest feels like it’s on fire, burning with excruciating pain as impossibly frigid air struggles to make its way in and out of my lungs. My lips tremble uncontrollably, prickled with pain and an encroaching numbness, my teeth chattering viciously. It’s cold. So cold. A terrible blanket of white completely surrounds me. Flurries swirl in my face, masses of snowflakes falling onto my static body, landing on my eyes, their frigidness seeping into my skin. I lay… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Fifty

Exactly The Same     Utter and absolute resolve. That’s what I feel right now. And it’s all for her. Nothing else matters in this moment except the human girl lying naked in my bed. “I want to fuck you so bad, Kitty-Cat,” I hear myself say, biting on her ear as I whisper the crude, honest words into it. She purrs at the sensation, gasping with every nip I take at the small ring of cartilage. “Are you going to let me, sweetheart? Hmm?” She’s panting heavily now, her… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Forty-Nine

Divine     It comes at me like a hidden atom bomb; a surprise attack that I both welcome and apprehend, one that I know will lead to my blissful demise. I become completely helpless as I breathe her in, savoring her unique, elating scent as it drifts relentlessly into my nostrils, wafting through my nasal cavity before seamlessly merging with every sensory organ in my body. It’s as if her aroma is becoming a part of me; like I need it to breathe, to exist. It only gets stronger… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Forty-Eight

A Welcome Trespasser     Decimation. De. Ci. Ma. Tion. Even in my sleep, my chest constricts at the mere thought of the word, and a renewed restlessness seeps into me despite my body’s desire to remain sedated. Decimation. Decimation. Decimation. Decimation. Decimation… The familiar voice whispers it to me again and again, saying the unforgettable word over and over, taunting me with his persistence. His eyes plead even as the rest of his face feigns resolve, unable to truly hide the weight of our circumstance. I’m so sorry… Yet,… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Forty-Seven

“You’re Going To Kill Me”     The next thing I know, I’m being hauled into the air like a Ping-Pong ball, my body flung around as if it weighs nothing at all and then harshly landing back onto the bed on my stomach. Before I can even make a sound, he’s on top of me, pinning me down. My heart pounds with unprecedented vigor as I feel him grab my hair from behind, and a renewed sense of fear ripples through me as I realize just how strong he… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Forty-Six

Sleeping Beauty     My immediate impulse is to react; to scream, to hit him…to do…something. Anything. But all I can do is lie there right next to him like a weathered log, staring at his magnificent form as he holds my hand in the same way a toddler would hold a highly treasured candy bar while he slumbers away. I can’t help but notice that even though his grip on my wrist is firm and unrelenting, it makes me feel…strangely at ease. Relaxed, even. Relaxed and… Safe. Join us… Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Forty-Four

A Familiar Scent     My forehead moves again, but this time, it isn’t because I move it. Whatever I’m resting against shifts ever so slightly. It does it again, and then again, steadily and rhythmically…almost as if it’s…breathing. A huge bell goes off in my head, putting two and two together as my body continues to give in to the magical trance it’s under despite my brain struggling to tell it otherwise. My nose doesn’t seem to want to be set free from the aromatic spell it’s under, either…. Read More

The Basilisk’s Creed: Chapter Forty-Three

Counting Sheep Pills     My bare foot taps absently against the cold tile floor, rapidly hitting it again and again as my toes involuntarily flirt back and forth with the frigid ground. I’m far too aware of the hardness of the old wooden chair I’m sitting in. The vertical rails of the backrest bite into my skin, cold and rigid as I shift restlessly in the uncomfortable relic. It creaks loudly with even the slightest movement I make, emitting the most unpleasant sound against the silent backdrop of the… Read More