It takes a minute for his words to sink in.


What does he mean by ‘complications’? What kind of complications? I should be verbalizing all that to him, but instead, I try to assess his face, searching for any subtle cues or changes his expression might give away on the seriousness of the matter, but he remains as stoic and unreadable as ever. I can’t even tell if I should be worried or not.

It actually baffles me how he can so easily go right back to being cold and distant without any hesitation. It’s as if he didn’t just hold me and try to comfort me. The way he looks now, he may as well have just sat in complete apathy and watched me break down in silence without doing a single thing or uttering a damn word until I was done unravelling and making a complete fool of myself in front of him and then resumed as if nothing happened. To be honest, that’s actually the kind of reaction I would have expected from him. Not what he did…

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