Oh, my God…

It’s him!

hey, stranger  🙂 

It’s only two words, and just a step above a generic ‘hello’, but I’m beyond ecstatic at seeing another message from him, especially after over two weeks of nothing. I never imagined I’d be this glad to see that strange AF smiley avatar on my screen. I realize I’m a lot happier that he’s contacting me than I thought I would be, and probably a lot happier than I should be.

My mood instantly changes, and the gloomy cloud that’s been hovering over me for the last few days lifts to give way for the virtual rays of sunlight that he seems to always bring with him.

All the pent up anxiety and frustration and disappointment from the last two weeks just seems to vanish, leaving me with nothing but a rush of excitement and an overwhelming sense of relief.

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