


As if on cue, an all too familiar voice screeches through the discord out of nowhere; loud, angry, and hysterical, violently catapulting me out of my thoughts.


Oh, fuck.

Demetri and I whip around to see Reaper coming our way at full speed, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Of all the motherfuckers in the multiverse to deal with right now!

The infamously ill-tempered Silver Reaper from the clan of Yorthi, son of decorated Silver Reaper Liolis, and the faithful lover of the mermaid, Soorah:


I should have known he’d come. I’d completely forgotten about the likelihood of him making an appearance here, and as expected, he’s already making one hell of a scene.

“Fuck,” Demetri groans, turning back to me. “He’s about to lose it.”

“Soorah!” Mikailiel screams, looking like he’s about to kill something. “Soorah, where are you?” He continues to call out for her again and again, repeating her name desperately until his voice cracks.

Seems like he’s already lost it.

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