An out of body experience.

It’s the only way I can describe…this.

I bite down on my bottom lip, my teeth sinking into the swollen flesh as a smacking sound echoes in the room, signaling another lash to my ass.

“F-Four!” I spit angrily, even as I shake like a leaf in Fall. “I promise I’ll never be late for a session again.”

“You sure about that?” Frost smirks mockingly, the words somehow more antagonizing than the pain he just inflicted. And before I can even brace myself, he swishes his stupid crop again.


“Ahhh!” The scream rips itself from my throat, the sting sharp and unexpected, erupting from my thigh this time. The motherfucker didn’t even give me any time to prepare for the next one.

I try to regain my composure—not that I have a whole lot of the stuff right now—balling my fists as I struggle to inhale like a normal person, because, for the life of me, it’s all I can do right now.

“Count!” Frost barks, the sudden loudness of his voice startling the fuck out of me, and my stomach drops to my feet like a stone.

“Fi-five!” I scream back involuntarily, my heart pulsing so fast it feels like I might vomit it right up, my lungs expanding and contracting so rapidly I can barely even speak. “I p-promise…promise I’ll never be late…for a session again.”

Frost touches the head of the crop to my thigh again, the same spot he just hit. My eyes slam shut as I brace for the impact, holding my breath, but the blow doesn’t come like I expect.

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